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What is Missing In Our New Remote Work Environment

Remote Working from Home with Kids

Our work environments have changed suddenly and drastically. Many people that are now working from home aren’t prepared for the challenges that working remotely can bring. Including distractions, balancing work/home life, lack of structure, and lack of camaraderie that they are used to experiencing every day at the office. Many of us are craving our professional connections!

Another major challenge many people are facing is the feeling of isolation.

When we are isolated from others, there is a natural tendency to focus on ourselves. The world becomes smaller. Problems or roadblocks you are dealing with can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. You feel stuck. 

University of Chicago, Social neuroscientist, John Cacioppo’s research shows that a sense of isolation or social rejection disrupts not only our thinking abilities and will power but also our immune system! Yes, that’s right. Prolonged loneliness can be as harmful to your health as smoking or obesity.

In a nutshell, when we are isolated, we are less creative, more critical of ourselves, and let us not forget to mention lonely! On the flip side, when we connect with other humans, we begin to focus on others which lightens the burdens we are carrying in our hearts and minds. Our own problems begin to seem smaller and more manageable. Our creativity grows, we can share our strengths with others. We become more focused and we build relationships.

In today’s work climate, we must think a little differently to overcome these unfamiliar challenges. We have found that remote coworking can assist you with overcoming the obstacles that come with working alone. Connecting virtually with other professionals allows you to collaborate, and have accountability that will help you maintain focus, build momentum, and get you back on course.

Here is what some of our remote coworking members at Liberty Lake Coworking are saying:

“As a solopreneur working from home, connection and focus are a challenge. As a member of Liberty Lake Coworking’s Virtual Co-Working, I’ve not only gotten to know other business professionals all over the country but the awesome Pomodoro process has provided me the structure to dive in and get a ton done. The membership is just what I needed.”

“Initially, I didn’t really understand the idea of Remote Coworking, but I was needing motivation, accountability, and socialization so I gave it a shot. It was the exact boost I needed! The Monday Pomodoro and the Friday Frogfest have quickly become my favorite and most productive days of the week, by far. And, the Wednesday afternoon check-ins have helped me feel supported and less isolated as an entrepreneur. I get that it’s an odd concept, but truly, it’s something you don’t even know you need.”

From the time we are born and throughout our lives, we depend on human connection. We get everything we need from other humans. Food, clothing, warmth, comfort, and conversation. It is no wonder that we begin to shrink when we aren’t connected to other people. Now, more than ever we all need regular human interaction and loyal relationships. Remember, working alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely.

If you want to try out our Remote Coworking Membership, reach out to us for a week’s free trial!  Send us an email at:

Picture of Ann Long

Ann Long

I am the founder of Liberty Lake Coworking in Liberty Lake, WA. I am passionate about energizing founders and remote workers to step into their greatness.



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